3D Surface profile is a key parameter of a product’s feature, which affects the product’s overall performance. A table top 3D profiler either optical or tactile is widely available, while a mobile, handheld non-contact profilometer has its own benefit. It is mainly used for quality control purpose, especially for factory automation. With a built-in fingerprint of your product, TRACEiT® provides a Green/Red light for your product quality.
TRACEiT® is by far the fastest (15s measurement time) mobile optical profiler. The real-time measurement of 3D topography as well as the documentation of visual impression makes it widely used in QC/QA (e.g. manufacturing processes) and design and research field.
Measurement Principle
• Measuring head with 3 white light optics for topography measurement
• Additional built-in camera for visual impression documentation
• 1500 times both in x- and y- directions
• 5mm x 5mm fixed measurement area
• Simultaneous quantative analysis of all measurements with the same resolution on the same sample area
Measurement parameters
• Visual appearance
• Roughness
• 3D Topography/Mapping
• Light intensity
• Porosity
• Effective contact area
Software Options
Software Illustration-Main Analysis
The topography values and the visual impression are not only measured but are also transformed by an analysis tool into various roughness parameters with standard deviation values. All measurements and calculations are carried out via interaction of the measuring head and the notebook, in which data storage, evaluation and analysis take place. Data can also be exported to other programs for further calculation.
• Visual Impression: overall appearance of a surface to the human eye
• Roughness Value: complex micro- and macro- structure
• 3D Mapping: physical topography
• Height 2D Mapping: two dimensional topography
Software Further Analysis
1. Direct comparative analysis on a surface after a scratch test with the same resolution of: Visual Impression, light intensity
2. Area of the lower height between 0-106 μm marked in turquoise
3. Selected topography area with the highest peak and lowest valley area marked in yellow
4. Top view of 3D topography/3D mapping with the height range of 0-182 μm
• Automotive: interior and exterior parts (leather, plastics, textiles, coating, paints)
• Paper: painting, drawing, safety paper, ancient paper
• Security Paper: banknote, counterfeit identification, passport, ID
• Medical: skin structure, skin cancer, scar
• Cosmetics: skin type and structure
• Cultural heritage: wall painting, sculpture, sandstone, wood
• Customs: counterfeit identification
• Textile: handbag, wallet, functional clothes
“Made in Germany” Engineering
It is at the heart of our family business.
We develop and produce quality testing machines for evaluation
of your materials, surfaces and coatings.
Fax: +49 (0)931 32298 – 12
New Address:
Friedrich-Bergius-Ring 11 | 97076 Würzburg | Germany