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Publication date of this VDE SPEC: 17. December 2021.
For the present VDE SPEC document no draft was released.
This document was prepared by the VDE SPEC project group “Displaytests” of the VDE Association for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies (www.vde.com).
Responsible for this VDE SPEC is the VDE SPEC project group “Displaytests” of the DKE German Commission for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies (www.vde.com).
This VDE SPEC was developed according to the VDE SPEC rules. The development of VDE SPEC 90017 V1.0 is done in project groups and not mandatory under comprehension of all interested parties.
This VDE SPEC is not part of the VDE regulations or the German regulations. This VDE SPEC is especially also not a Technical Specification in the sense of § 49 EnWG.
At this point many thanks to all experts for their valuable contributions and inputs.
In spite of big efforts to ensure correctness, reliability and precision of technical and non-technical descriptions the VDE SPEC project group is not able to take over neither an explicit nor an implicit guarantee for the correctness of the content of the document. The usage of this document occurs with the awareness, that the VDE SPEC project group cannot be made legally liable for any kind of damage or loss. The usage of the present VDE SPEC does not relieve the user from the responsibility for own action and happens thereby at one’s own risk.
In the course of the production and/or introduction of products at the European market the manufacturer must execute a risk analysis to determine first of all what risks which the product possibly can cause. After execution of the risk analysis the manufacturer evaluates these risks and if necessary takes appropriate measures to eliminate the risks effectively or to minimize them (risk assessment). The present VDE SPEC does not relieve the user from this responsibility.
Herewith the possibility is pointed out, that some elements of this document can refer to patent rights. VDE is not responsible for the identification of some or all patent rights in this regard.
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